First Annual Gathering


First Annual Gathering

October 16-20, 2018
OCAD University, Toronto

In October 2018, team members gathered in Toronto for the launch of Inuit Futures in Arts Leadership: The Pilimmaksarniq / Pijariuqsarniq Project. Generously hosted by OCAD University, the first Annual Gathering brought partners and mentors together with the first cohort of Ilinniaqtuit for a series of workshops, discussions, and gallery tours. These events included an Inuit Competency Training workshop led by Morley Hanson and Aviaq Johnston, a Mapping Culture + Skills Recognition workshop led by mentor Ryan Rice (OCAD), a guest presentation by Bonnie Devine, a tour of Rebecca Belmore: Facing the Monumental at the Art Gallery of Ontario with Curator of Indigenous Wanda Nanibush, and an Inuit Art Wholesale Tour of the Nunavut Development Corporation, Canadian Arctic Producers, and the BATA Shoe Museum. The Inuit Futures team also attended the ImagineNATIVE Film and Media Festival throughout the first Annual Gathering, including an Arts Crawl and a screening of The 5th Region, starring Niap Saunders.