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Making Beaded Earrings with Kayla Bruce


In this edition of the Inuit Futures “De-ICE-olation” online artist workshop series, Kayla Bruce taught us how to make beaded earrings!

The workshop took place online using Zoom. This workshop, like all De-ICE-olation workshops, was free. This workshop was open to Indigenous peoples only.

Materials to follow along:

  • Scissors

  • Seed beads (size 10 or 11 in one colour)

  • Banding,

  • Something for the center (gem, tuktu antler, button, something round, have it pre-glued to the center of your fabric so that it has had time to set)

  • Fabric to bead onto (Kayla uses pellon, but stiffened felt, felt, old jeans, whatever you have that could work)

  • Beading thread (or dental floss)

  • Beading needles

  • Material for the back (Kayla uses a leatherette, as long as you can sew through it, felt works, granny scarves, any other material)

  • Earring hooks


About Kayla Bruce:

“My name is Kayla Bruce. I am a Inuk beneficiary under the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement from Rankin Inlet NU where I am currently living. During the school year I attend the University of Winnipeg in the Faculty of Education. 

I am a self taught beader. Everything I've learned is by trial and error and doing research online. Lately I've been doing a lot of beading since I've been at home more. This has given me the opportunity to make more creations and I have started a Facebook page called KMTBeads where I post and sell what I make.”

Kayla is an Inuit Futures in Arts Leadership ilinniaqtuit working on the coordination of the 2021 Inuit Studies Conference and a student at the University of Winnipeg in the Faculty of Education where she is a research assistant to Dr. Julie Nagam.